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Divorce and the valuation of farm assets

Providing a realistic valuation of farm assets in the case of divorce can be ‘tricky’ not only because of the inherent uncertainties farmers face such as weather, rising prices and subsidies but now also because of a seven-year Brexit transition rule, says family law specialist Philippa Yeo.

Read more on Divorce and the valuation of farm assets
Read more on Divorce and the valuation of farm assets

20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’

A year on from the introduction of the so-called ‘no fault’ divorce law, the legislation is proving effective, but the process can take longer.

Read more on 20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’
Read more on 20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’

Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce

Capital gains tax rules are changing to make it easier for divorcing couples to divide their assets after separating without incurring a tax charge.

Read more on Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce
Read more on Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce

20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’

A year on from the introduction of the so-called ‘no fault’ divorce law, the legislation is proving effective, but the process can take longer.

Read more on 20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’
Read more on 20-week ‘no fault’ divorce moratorium ‘excessive’

Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce

Capital gains tax rules are changing to make it easier for divorcing couples to divide their assets after separating without incurring a tax charge.

Read more on Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce
Read more on Prepare for imminent tax changes around divorce

Minor children and 1975 Inheritance Act Claims

The starting point in any estate claim is that a person making a Will (a testator) can leave their money and assets to anyone as they please.

Read more on Minor children and 1975 Inheritance Act Claims
Read more on Minor children and 1975 Inheritance Act Claims

Inheritance tax planning in uncertain times

In this article we look at how to carry out inheritance tax (IHT) planning in a way that is timely and does not lead to an unwelcome amount of immediate financial detriment. “May you live in interesting times” reads the Chinese curse; the last several years in the UK… “”

Read more on Inheritance tax planning in uncertain times
Read more on Inheritance tax planning in uncertain times

What happens to a holiday home when the property owner becomes incapacitated?

Many of your clients may own second homes abroad, with France and Spain being popular locations. When your clients bought their holiday home they may have given some thought to what happens to the property on their death, especially in view of the forced… “”

Read more on What happens to a holiday home when the property owner becomes incapacitated?
Read more on What happens to a holiday home when the property owner becomes incapacitated?

Could your clients benefit by migrating their offshore trusts to the UK?

Before the introduction of anti-avoidance legislation in the early 1990s, there could be significant benefits in setting up an offshore trust, or taking an existing UK trust offshore, not least being the ability to realise assets without payment of UK capital gains tax (CGT) which was levied at a top rate of 40% at the time.

Read more on Could your clients benefit by migrating their offshore trusts to the UK?
Read more on Could your clients benefit by migrating their offshore trusts to the UK?

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