The Normal Expenditure out of Income Plan takes advantage of an exemption from inheritance tax (IHT) known as Normal Expenditure out of Income in order to reduce the IHT payable ultimately on your estate.
Read more on Normal Expenditure out of Income Plan
The Holiday Home Trust comprises a trust deed designed to protect the value of your holiday home from inheritance tax (IHT) across several generations.
Deeds of variation are often drawn up for tax saving or asset protection purposes and are a tax efficient way of redirecting a beneficiary’s entitlement in relation to an estate when it is appropriate to do so.
The Plan is suitable for all parents who wish to help their children enter an ever more competitive property market but who wish to ensure that their investment is not put at risk.
Read more on Helping Children onto the Property Ladder Plan
Parental orders following informal at home surrogacy arrangement
A recent case has clarified the law surrounding the making of parental orders following a private and informal at home surrogacy arrangement (Y and another v ZX [2023] EWFC 39).
Read more on Parental orders following informal at home surrogacy arrangement
The Asset Protection Will Plan consists of a pair of Wills and other documents designed to ensure that the maximum benefit of the family estate is available for your chosen beneficiaries and protected against claims of third parties.