OTS’s capital gains tax review: more tax on disposal of the family farm?
CGT was introduced in April 1965. Before that date asset gains were free of tax, inevitably encouraging schemes to convert taxable income into untaxable gains.
Read more on OTS’s capital gains tax review: more tax on disposal of the family farm?
If your client wants to put a business lasting power of attorney (LPA) in place the first consideration has to be the business entity through which your client operates.
Read more on Lasting powers of attorney for business owners
Parents of disabled children might consider including a trust in their Will to receive the share of their estate intended to benefit their disabled child.
A Declaration of Trust can document any agreement related to the property made by the co-owners but there are a number of points that should be covered.
Read more on Declarations of Trust and property ownership
The most common route taken to reduce IHT liability is lifetime gifts either into trust or outright to an individual in the hope of surviving seven years from the gift.
Read more on Attorneys and inheritance tax saving investments
We will complete the HMRC forms to claim the inheritance tax (IHT) transferable nil rate band on the death of the survivor of a married couple or the survivor of a couple in a civil partnership.
Read more on Transferable Nil Rate Band Claim Pack
The Exempt Asset trust bolt on is an additional provision in the Wills of a married couple, or couple in a registered civil partnership, who own a business or other inheritance tax (IHT) favoured assets such as agricultural land.
The Simple Will Package is suitable for single people or couples whose finances and personal circumstances are uncomplicated but who wish to ensure that their wishes are carried out after their death, and appropriate provision is made for their family.
The Property Discount bolt on comprises additional provisions in Wills for each of a married couple, or couple in a registered civil partnership, whose combined estates are liable to inheritance tax (IHT).