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Useful Resources

The importance of domicile

In English law domicile is a vitally important concept which can have important ramifications.

Read more on The importance of domicile
Read more on The importance of domicile

Making gifts: a guide for Attorneys and Deputies

You may have clients who are mentally incapable of making decisions and have attorneys or deputies acting for them in respect of their financial affairs.

Read more on Making gifts: a guide for Attorneys and Deputies
Read more on Making gifts: a guide for Attorneys and Deputies

Company owners and the need to plan for unexpected death

Everyone should make a Will to avoid difficulties after their death, if your client is a small company owner this necessity is exacerbated.

Read more on Company owners and the need to plan for unexpected death
Read more on Company owners and the need to plan for unexpected death

Co-habitants: action required

When advising an unmarried couple on their finances, arguably the most important advice that can be given is to draw up a Will.

Read more on Co-habitants: action required
Read more on Co-habitants: action required

Three ways Deeds of Variation can save tax for your clients

Deeds of Variation allow your client’s Will to be varied within two years of their death with the variation being read back into the Will for tax purposes.

Read more on Three ways Deeds of Variation can save tax for your clients
Read more on Three ways Deeds of Variation can save tax for your clients

Who should your clients appoint as executors?

The executors must be trusted completely by your client and it is preferable if the intended executors have a reasonable degree of financial understanding.

Read more on Who should your clients appoint as executors?
Read more on Who should your clients appoint as executors?

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