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1190 Search results for “services__Property litigation”

Clean air – what is not to like!

Dale Edwards, Strategic Consultant – Green Energy, discusses the importance of clean air and the potential implications in securing it, on planning in the future.

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Read more on Clean air – what is not to like!

Climate change – the race is on to get serious

Dale Edwards comments on the Government’s recent announcement that now is the time to get serious about stopping climate change.

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Read more on Climate change – the race is on to get serious

Co-parenting and dispute resolution

Caroline Young shares tips for a successful co-parenting relationship and explains the options if you can’t resolve a dispute between yourselves.

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Read more on Co-parenting and dispute resolution

Company assets on divorce

Our experienced divorce specialists explore how company assets are valued and divided during a divorce. Call today on 0800 422 0123. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.

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Read more on Company assets on divorce

Consultation needed so domestic abusers cannot inherit victims’ estates

A young man calling for a change in the law to prevent abusive partners from inheriting victims’ estates is a casualty in the trade-off between “certainty and fairness” in law.

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Read more on Consultation needed so domestic abusers cannot inherit victims’ estates

COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents

Whilst the unique circumstances of this year will undoubtedly make travel planning more essential than ever, this is particularly for separated parents who may have extra hurdles to overcome to ensure travel plans go smoothly.

Read more on COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents
Read more on COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents

Cutting corners on building sites continues to cost lives warning

News that the number of construction-related injuries in the UK is on a slow overall decline is welcome, but employers and contractors are still cutting corners and endangering lives, according to personal injury specialist Lee Hart.

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Read more on Cutting corners on building sites continues to cost lives warning

Damages awarded to mother following Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASI)

For most women once the baby is born, they will recover from the trauma of childbirth and be able to focus on the challenges of motherhood. However, for some women, injuries sustained during childbirth will cause ongoing and sometimes permanent symptoms.

Read more on Damages awarded to mother following Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASI)
Read more on Damages awarded to mother following Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASI)

Deadline looming to implement UK international transfer of personal data amendments

Incoming changes to UK data protection laws means those using the EU standard contractual clauses to safely transfer personal data outside the UK are to update their documentation to bring them into line with equivalent UK-mandated contractual clauses.

Read more on Deadline looming to implement UK international transfer of personal data amendments
Read more on Deadline looming to implement UK international transfer of personal data amendments

Devon and Cornwall road deaths spike

Road deaths in Devon and Cornwall have been particularly high in August, fatal road traffic claims can be avoided by exercising more care.

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Read more on Devon and Cornwall road deaths spike

Divorce: frequently asked questions

Do the grounds for divorce still apply? What if I can’t find my marriage certificate? What if my spouse doesn’t want the divorce?

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Read more on Divorce: frequently asked questions

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