Strong growth at Clarke Willmott as Rosser passes the CEO baton
Clarke Willmott has reported another year of strong growth, with profit per equity partner (PEP) of £489k (up 14%) and revenue over the £60m mark at £60.8m. The firm has no bank debt with over £13m in the bank at year end.
Read more on Strong growth at Clarke Willmott as Rosser passes the CEO baton
Rayner Grice, an expert divorce lawyer in our family team, has stressed the importance of planning in family businesses following a case in which divorce proceedings impacted on the stability of the business and put the whole family at risk of financial ruin.
Read more on The importance of planning in a family business
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB), published on 11 May 2022, contains a number of interesting proposals for the development industry and some potentially significant changes to the planning system.
Read more on The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2022