Gabrielle handles a wide variety of residential landlord and tenant matters, both contentious and non-contentious, with a particular emphasis on leasehold and freehold enfranchisement and Section 20 consultation.
Hannah has a wide range of commercial property experience, including commercial acquisitions and disposals, commercial landlord and tenant work and secured lending.
High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
Many complaints against S&M Hughes who advised steel workers to transfer BS pensions to personal pensions. Call 0800 422 0221to speak to a pension transfer solicitor.
Read more on High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
HMV reinvention points the way forward for bricks and mortar retail
Retail & leisure
HMV’s reinvention under new ownership shows that traditional “bricks and mortar” stores have a bright – albeit different – future on the UK high street, according to our leading retail lawyer, Amanda French.
Written by
Amanda French
Read more on HMV reinvention points the way forward for bricks and mortar retail
HR Consultancy Corner: Restructuring and redundancy top tips
With a continued turbulent economic climate it’s not surprising that many organisations are looking at re-structuring and/or redundancies as a way to help secure the future of the business and off-set rising costs.
Read more on HR Consultancy Corner: Restructuring and redundancy top tips
Inheritance tax planning and lasting powers of attorney
A property and finance lasting power of attorney (LPA) confers extensive powers on the attorney to deal with the financial affairs of the person granting the LPA (the donor).
Read more on Inheritance tax planning and lasting powers of attorney
If you have an interest in the outcome of a dispute or divorce but are not one of the main parties, we can help you bring a third-party claim. Call 0800 422 0123.
Isabel is an Associate in the Clinical Negligence team and joined the firm in 2023. Isabel has specialised in medical negligence claims for over 6 years and has experience in investigating and bringing a broad range of medical negligence claims for Claimants.