Parliament has approved the new Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 (Regulations) which makes it mandatory for any individual working in a care home to be fully vaccinated against Coronavirus.
Read more on Mandatory vaccinations for care home staff
Neighbours defeat application to modify restrictive covenant on agricultural land
It is often said that ‘there is no right to a view’. A well-drafted restrictive covenant may, however, protect the setting and amenity of a property preventing development as illustrated by the decision of the Upper Tribunal in the case of Collins & anor v Howell & anor ([2022] UKUT 72 (LC).
Read more on Neighbours defeat application to modify restrictive covenant on agricultural land
Nicola is a commercial property solicitor with over 23 years of practice. She has a broad spectrum of experience in commercial and residential development and commercial landlord and tenant.
One loss or more? Another welcome judgment for businesses impacted by the COVID19 pandemic
Commercial litigation and disputes
Partner Cathy Harris discusses a recent Court of Appeal judgement in the case of Various Eateries Trading Limited v Allianz Insurance Pls [2024] EWCA Civ10
Written by
Cathy Harris
Read more on One loss or more? Another welcome judgment for businesses impacted by the COVID19 pandemic
Paul is a Partner and head of the private capital team in Clarke Willmott’s Manchester office. Paul specialises in estate planning, Wills, & trusts for clients with complex family and finance arrangements.