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1193 Search results for “services__Property litigation”

Why is Connectivity and Technology Vital to Achieve Net Zero?

Susan Hall, Partner and Head of Technology, comments on the impact of connectivity and technology will have in the ambition to achieve Net Zero.

Read more on Why is Connectivity and Technology Vital to Achieve Net Zero?
Read more on Why is Connectivity and Technology Vital to Achieve Net Zero?

Will COVID-19 be the NetZero game changer or false dawn?

Dale Edwards, Strategic Consultant – Green Energy, shares his thoughts on the potential failure to act on the climatic opportunity that COVID-19 has given.

Read more on Will COVID-19 be the NetZero game changer or false dawn?
Read more on Will COVID-19 be the NetZero game changer or false dawn?

Wills are vital for second marriages

Couples entering into a second marriage are being reminded of the importance of having a Will in place, particularly when there are children from a previous marriage involved.

Read more on Wills are vital for second marriages
Read more on Wills are vital for second marriages

Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune

If, for any reason, you do not wish it to be known who benefits from your estate then a secret trust is one of the possibilities that could be explored.

Read more on Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune
Read more on Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune

WIQS Client Charter

We are proud to have achieved the high standards of practice and integrity required to become accredited with the Law Society’s Quality Scheme.

Read more on WIQS Client Charter
Read more on WIQS Client Charter

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