This new legislation introduces significant changes in charity law. In the social housing sector, these changes will impact any organisation which has been established as a registered charity.
The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents
The government’s Debt Respite Scheme comes into force on 4 May 2021. The Scheme provides qualifying individuals with a ‘breathing space’ from creditor action.
Read more on The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents
Training is an essential part of ensuring that managers/supervisors handle staffing issues in the right way and employees know what is expected of them. This is where we can help.
Written by
Paula Squire
Read more on The importance of training your employees
While taking time, careful consideration and expert advice is the preferred way to record a will, sometimes the need to act quickly in order to change or obtain a person’s final wishes arises and this can cause issues for both the family and the solicitor involved.
Written by
Paul Davies
Read more on The problems associated with ‘deathbed’ wills
Clarke Willmott has once again been named in the prestigious Times Best Law Firms rankings. With our private client team receiving particular commendation for its inheritance and succession work in The Times’s 2024 list.
Tom advises at all stages of the business cycle, including company incorporations and reorganisations, shareholders’ agreements, acquisitions and disposals and fund-raisings.
Trusts in the 21st century: are they still relevant?
Creating a trust for lifetime planning can feel like a daunting prospect. In this article, we outline the benefits and relevance of trusts in the 21st century.
Read more on Trusts in the 21st century: are they still relevant?