When does “unwanted conduct” constitute harassment?
The EAT held that a female manager did not harass a male team member when she gave him an unwanted back, neck and shoulder massage in an open plan office.
Read more on When does “unwanted conduct” constitute harassment?
Is mediation for everybody and when is the best time to mediate? Are all clients able to understand at the outset what route is best for them and really grasp the likely costs of each option?
Most people prepare a Will to ensure that their family is taken care of when they die. Not many imagine years of legal battles while their loved ones argue over their estate.
We explain what it means to have the mental capacity to make a Will and what you can do when somebody without capacity needs a Will drafted or updated. Call 0800 652 8025 for a free consultation. Offices in in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Wills, inheritance tax and adult children living at home
Wills & probate solicitors
We consider the inheritance tax implications for adult children still living at home. Need advice? Call 0800 652 8025 for a free initial consultation. Award winning national firm based in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Written by
David Maddock
Read more on Wills, inheritance tax and adult children living at home
Clarke Willmott has a range of initiatives to promote employee wellbeing, including a Coffee Club, yoga classes and our Family Care Forum. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Television drama has been a necessary diversion during these endless winter weeks of lockdown but a series currently showing on Sunday evenings has provided a useful case study in what not to do if you wish to ensure your family is taken care of following your sudden death.
Read more on “I always told him he needed a good lawyer”