For better or for worse, “smash and grab”/ “notified sum” Adjudications have been a staple of the Construction Adjudication landscape ever since the amendments to the original Construction Act took effect in 2011
Read more on Smash and Grabs in 2023 – Pay now, argue later
So you think you are paying the national minimum wage?
Employment law services
We know from the HMRC’s annual reporting that even the most well-known employers fail to pay some of their staff the National Minimum Wage. Could you unwittingly be one of them and how can you avoid a nasty surprise if HMRC comes knocking?
Written by
Sharon Latham
Read more on So you think you are paying the national minimum wage?
Specialist legal advice for a business in distress
Specialist corporate lawyers providing cost-effective legal advice to help you recover or wind-down a business that is in distress. Call 0800 652 8025 now. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Read more on Specialist legal advice for a business in distress
Our specialist solicitors provide expert legal advice on UK and international surrogacy, and parental orders. Call 0800 4220123 for an initial consultation.
Thank you for completing our Start up and High Growth Healthcheck. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your business with a member of our team.
At Clarke Willmott LLP (‘Clarke Willmott’), we are committed the prevention of all financial crime, including the prevention of the criminal facilitation of tax evasion.
Stephen assists House Builders and Registered Providers of Social Housing to build new communities by carrying out the due diligence and the legal work necessary to acquire land for new development.
Stephen provides advice and assistance to business owners and management teams covering the full gamut of corporate and commercial sectors using the 30 years of experience that he has clocked up since qualification.