Applications to the Court of Protection and other matters relating to the management of the property and financial affairs of mentally incapacitated persons.
As we emerge from lockdown into full integration it pays to be up to speed with the nuances of the Job Retention Scheme. But have some rights been purposefully hidden from view?
Gender critical beliefs are protected in the workplace
Ms Forstater brought various discrimination claims against CGD on the basis of her belief. The first step for Ms Forstater was to establish whether her belief was capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010.
Read more on Gender critical beliefs are protected in the workplace
Government publishes new consultation on calculating holiday for part-year and irregular hours workers
Employment law services
In January, the government launched a consultation on proposals to deal with the calculation of holiday entitlement for workers who work for only part of the year or work irregular hours following the decision of the Supreme Court in Harpur Trust v Brazel last year.
Written by
Paula Squire
Read more on Government publishes new consultation on calculating holiday for part-year and irregular hours workers
Guide to effective mediation: your questions answered
Civil dispute resolution for private clients
Our accredited mediators answer commonly asked questions about the mediation process, including how to choose a mediator and get the most from pre-mediation.
Written by
Peter Brewer
Read more on Guide to effective mediation: your questions answered
Helen is a partner in Clarke Willmott solicitors’ commercial property team specialising in all aspects of acquisition, development and disposal of property