Bonita specialises in contested Wills, inheritance and trust disputes and also in disputes involving mental capacity, properties and professional negligence.
Bonus or backfire: Professional sport employment contracts & bonus awards
Employment law services
Bonus schemes are an important part of the employment relationship. In professional sport, contractual bonus schemes often trigger significant bonus distributions.
Written by
Tim Copplestone
Read more on Bonus or backfire: Professional sport employment contracts & bonus awards
Almost 11,700 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour each year – that’s 32 people every day. Do you know the common types and symptoms of a brain tumour?
Written by
Marguarita Tyne
Read more on Brain cancer signs, types and grades. Know yours.
Can an employer still end employment with a PILON when the employee has resigned?
The recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision of Fentem v Outform EMEA Ltd has held that there was “no dismissal” where an employer brought forward the termination date of an employee who had resigned by subsequently paying them a payment in lieu of notice (PILON).
Read more on Can an employer still end employment with a PILON when the employee has resigned?
Caroline Mortimer is a partner in the commercial property team. She has extensive experience in acting for housebuilders in all aspects of residential development, including strategic land acquisitions and joint venture arrangements.
Case law update – Courts pivot to mandatory dispute resolution
Social housing providers
On 29 November 2023, the Court of Appeal handed down judgement in the matter of Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 1416 confirming that the court can stay claims and compel parties to engage in alternative dispute resolution.
Written by
Emily Hope
Matthew Wilson
Lindsay Felstead
Read more on Case law update – Courts pivot to mandatory dispute resolution
Case law update: An employee who said “I’m done” and handed in her keys had not resigned
If an employee resigns using clear and unambiguous language, their employer is entitled to accept it. That said, the courts are aware that sometimes it may be necessary to take a more detailed look at the context around the words that were spoken.
Read more on Case law update: An employee who said “I’m done” and handed in her keys had not resigned