Has the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act affected your termination clauses?
Commercial contracts and agreements
The Act has brought about a magnitude of permanent changes to insolvency law. Of significance, is the fundamental change to the operation of most supply contracts and the ability to terminate.
Read more on Has the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act affected your termination clauses?
Helen is a Partner in the Private Property and Agriculture team specialising in non-contentious residential, agricultural and rural property law, including sales and purchases, landlord and tenant matters, remortgages, the basic payment scheme and easements.
High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
Many complaints against S&M Hughes who advised steel workers to transfer BS pensions to personal pensions. Call 0800 422 0221to speak to a pension transfer solicitor.
Read more on High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
How to increase the effectiveness of your lasting power of attorney
Private wealth services
Lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) are vitally important documents: they give someone power to make decisions about your financial affairs, or to make decisions in relation to your personal welfare, after you lose capacity.
Read more on How to increase the effectiveness of your lasting power of attorney
Is retrofitting homes the silver bullet for net zero?
Hayley Steel, a partner specialising in non-contentious construction at Clarke Willmott, looks at whether retrofitting homes could help achieve Government plans for net zero by 2050 and a 78% reduction in harmful emissions by 2035.
Read more on Is retrofitting homes the silver bullet for net zero?
Jenny is a member of our private capital team. She deals with the administration, accounting and taxation compliance for a wide range of trust and personal tax clients.
As we enter 2025, the pace of change in the world of business and politics continues to quicken amid market turbulence and sluggish growth in the UK, a new and returning President in the US and a raft of other challenges both at home and abroad.
Landlord loses appeal against adverse possession claim over land used as a right of way
In this article, we discuss why when buying land it is important to check the site and ensure that what you understand is the extent of the property is not being encroached upon.
Read more on Landlord loses appeal against adverse possession claim over land used as a right of way
Lara Saunders is an Associate in Clarke Willmott solicitors’ Birmingham, Restructuring and Insolvency team working in both personal and corporate insolvency.
A recent Court of Protection judgment gives guidance over the interpretation that should be applied to certain provisions in Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and helps to clarify what clients can and cannot include within these vital documents.