The Court gives clear guidance on the use of “Makro” type business rates mitigation schemes designed to make use of empty premises rates relief periods.
Read more on Welcome news for commercial landlords
What happens to a holiday home when the property owner becomes incapacitated?
When your clients bought their holiday home abroad they may have given some thought to what happens to the property on their death. They may not, however, have considered the situation should the property owner become incapacitated in later life.
Read more on What happens to a holiday home when the property owner becomes incapacitated?
We explain why they are important, factors that affect their implementation and their limitations and how you can make one. Call 0800 652 8025 for a free consultation. Offices in in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Why did the total value of NHS clinical negligence claims fall in 2019/2020?
NHS Resolution’s reported the clinical negligence payments for 2019/20 had fallen from £2,359.9m in 2018/19 to £2,324.2m in 2019/20. Our Vanessa Harris look at what caused this decrease?
Read more on Why did the total value of NHS clinical negligence claims fall in 2019/2020?
Will COVID-19 be the NetZero game changer or false dawn?
Dale Edwards, Strategic Consultant – Green Energy, shares his thoughts on the potential failure to act on the climatic opportunity that COVID-19 has given.
Read more on Will COVID-19 be the NetZero game changer or false dawn?
We explain what it means to have the mental capacity to make a Will and what you can do when somebody without capacity needs a Will drafted or updated. Call 0800 652 8025 for a free consultation. Offices in in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Couples entering into a second marriage are being reminded of the importance of having a Will in place, particularly when there are children from a previous marriage involved.