When a client has multiple Wills in different jurisdictions, it is important to ensure that the provisions of the Wills do not contradict one another and that one Will does not inadvertently revoke another.
The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents
The government’s Debt Respite Scheme comes into force on 4 May 2021. The Scheme provides qualifying individuals with a ‘breathing space’ from creditor action.
Read more on The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents
Sarah Manley, partner and commercial property specialist, looks at the future of property management in the months and years to come following the impact of several national lockdowns and ongoing uncertainty.
The importance of nuclear energy for the Welsh economy
The Welsh Government has been proactive in supporting nuclear energy as part of its commitment for a greener economy for many years, dating back to the build, operation and decommissioning of Trawsfynydd and Wylfa Newydd power plants.
Read more on The importance of nuclear energy for the Welsh economy
The Statutory Residence Test and “exceptional circumstances”
Since 6 April 2013 an individual’s UK tax status has been decided by the Statutory Residence Test (SRT). The number of days that the taxpayer spends in the UK is vital in determining tax residence pursuant to the SRT with a variable number being permitted as decided by various factors.
Read more on The Statutory Residence Test and “exceptional circumstances”
Among the many fundamental duties of a trustee to their beneficiaries is the well-established duty to account to their beneficiaries by keeping accurate records of the administration of the trust/estate.
Unique challenges when conducting remote court hearings
The less formal court environment has presented unique challenges, but will this develop into a common trend or will there be more rigid rules brought in?
Read more on Unique challenges when conducting remote court hearings