Specialist FinTech law firm with extensive experience providing legal expertise to financial technology companies, startups and providers. Call 0800 652 8025. Offices in Taunton, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester and Southampton. Founding partner of Bristol FinTech.
All registered care homes are subject to a comprehensive inspection by CQC. How often your care home is inspected is decided by CQC and depends on the most recent rating that your care home received.
Written by
Rich Eldridge
Read more on Changes to how CQC inspects and rates care homes
Clarke Willmott’s social housing team appointed to multi-million pound housing panel
Our social housing team have been reappointed to serve on a panel of leading housing specialist law firms as part of an estimated £30 million legal services framework agreement.
Read more on Clarke Willmott’s social housing team appointed to multi-million pound housing panel
Ed is a ‘pragmatic and practical’ corporate lawyer dealing primarily with mergers and acquisitions. He has specialisms in the financial services, fintech and professional advisory sectors.
Jacqui advises private clients on UK-based tax and estate planning, estate administration and philanthropy and also advises charities on a range of issues.
Restrictive covenants – lessons learnt from Alexander Devine Children’s Trust v Housing Solutions Ltd [2020] UKSC 45
Restrictive covenants often dictate the use of land and can range from restricting the size and type of the development to, at worst, preventing it entirely.
Read more on Restrictive covenants – lessons learnt from Alexander Devine Children’s Trust v Housing Solutions Ltd [2020] UKSC 45