The COVID pandemic has placed many businesses in the difficult position of needing to recover debt. When a judgment debt is not paid, taking steps to enforce payment from the debtor will often be necessary.
Read more on Recovering debts during the COVID-19 pandemic
Reducing unfair dismissal compensation due to the employee’s contributory fault
There are a number of mechanisms an Employment Tribunal can apply to reduce unfair dismissal compensation (such as a Polkey deduction etc), and this time we will explore the principles of ‘contributory fault’.
Read more on Reducing unfair dismissal compensation due to the employee’s contributory fault
Reform of the law relating to Wills on the agenda again
Wills & probate solicitors
The Law Commission recently published a supplementary consultation relating to Wills and how the law established by a Victorian statute could be modernised for the 21st century.
Written by
Tom Chiffers
Read more on Reform of the law relating to Wills on the agenda again
Reforming the Professional Negligence Pre-Action Protocol: Why penalties for non-engagement with ADR are so important
Commercial litigation and disputes
The Professional Negligence Pre-Action Protocol (PAP) was initially introduced in July 2001 to provide a framework for parties involved in claims of professional negligence to engage in early discussions before starting formal legal proceedings.
Written by
John Flint
Read more on Reforming the Professional Negligence Pre-Action Protocol: Why penalties for non-engagement with ADR are so important
Religion and belief: ethical veganism in the workplace
Tribunal holds in Casamitjana v League Against Cruel Sports that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010.
Read more on Religion and belief: ethical veganism in the workplace