How manufacturers can terminate commercial contracts successfully
Commercial litigation and disputes
As litigation solicitors who specialise in the manufacturing sector, we are often approached by clients at the end of a commercial relationship asking how they can terminate a contract with the minimum legal consequences.
Written by
John Flint
Read more on How manufacturers can terminate commercial contracts successfully
Fertility law has not evolved at the same rate as assisted reproduction technologies. We look at the need for judges to be creative in how they apply legislation.
Service of a claim by email – time for a change in the rules?
Financial services litigation
In Chehaib v King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Others [2024] EWHC 2 the claimant failed to have its claim survive against one of three defendants after attempting to serve that defendant by email without permission contrary to CPR Practice Direction 6A.
Written by
Darren Kidd
Meg Perris
Read more on Service of a claim by email – time for a change in the rules?
Ground rent and service charge for later living developments
Historically, the costs of providing communal facilities have been recovered by way of a ground rent and service charge. However, the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022 (the “Act”), will impact significantly.
Read more on Ground rent and service charge for later living developments
Clarke Willmott advises Wigan-based Ainscough Industrial Services on acquisition of Flegg Products
Banking and financial services
Lawyers at national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP have advised international engineering group Ainscough Industrial Services (AIS) on its largest ever acquisition.
Written by
Ed Foulkes
Read more on Clarke Willmott advises Wigan-based Ainscough Industrial Services on acquisition of Flegg Products
The Government has published the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill 2021 to implement the binding arbitration scheme announced on 18 June. The scheme is intended to resolve commercial rent debts which arose as a result of the coronavirus pandemic