Trusted solicitors specialising in divorce involving a family business, family farm and other business interests. Call 0800 422 0123 for a consultation.
Emily is a Solicitor in our Divorce and Family Law team, dealing with divorce and associated financial matters, nuptial and cohabitation agreements, private children matters including child relocation, and domestic violence injunctions.
If you have an interest in the outcome of a dispute or divorce but are not one of the main parties, we can help you bring a third-party claim. Call 0800 422 0123.
Kim understands her clients, advises on the law whilst taking into consideration any risks to add value to her clients and achieve their commercial outcomes.
Lawyers welcome compensation scheme for victims of pension mis-selling scandal, but many steelworkers to be left behind
Lawyers working to help victims of the British Steel Pension Scheme (BSPS) scandal have welcomed news of a £71 million compensation scheme for those affected, but are asking whether the proposals go far enough.
Read more on Lawyers welcome compensation scheme for victims of pension mis-selling scandal, but many steelworkers to be left behind
In 2015 Baby Lifeline sent out a Freedom of Information request to all Trusts to obtain a better understanding of the training that was being provided in maternity services throughout the UK in an effort to improve outcomes.
Procurement update: Grenfell Tower prejudice allegations fall flat in the High Court
A recent case on abandoning a completed tender exercise prior to entering into a contract has provided an important reminder to contracting authorities that in a procurement challenge the Court will look at the following….
Read more on Procurement update: Grenfell Tower prejudice allegations fall flat in the High Court
Two recent High Court cases reflect the fact that poor customer service and failures to deal with complaints and claims in a proper manner at an early stage can lead to unexpected and unwelcome outcomes for retail and leisure businesses.
Read more on Retail update: Defamation, assault & food poisoning