Neighbours defeat application to modify restrictive covenant on agricultural land
It is often said that ‘there is no right to a view’. A well-drafted restrictive covenant may, however, protect the setting and amenity of a property preventing development as illustrated by the decision of the Upper Tribunal in the case of Collins & anor v Howell & anor ([2022] UKUT 72 (LC).
Read more on Neighbours defeat application to modify restrictive covenant on agricultural land
Notices containing errors – when can they be served?
The recent Court of Appeal decision in O G Thomas Amaethyddiath v Turner (Thomas v Turner) has further clarified when a legal notice that contains errors will still be effective, and when it won’t.
Read more on Notices containing errors – when can they be served?
Nottinghamshire Police to launch investigation into maternity care
Nottinghamshire Police have announced that an investigation will be launched into maternity care provided under Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust.
Read more on Nottinghamshire Police to launch investigation into maternity care
Parents seeking to use coronavirus to avoid maintenance payments
With incomes and livelihoods under pressure as a result of the economic shock caused by the crisis, there are an increasing number of instances of individuals unilaterally stopping monthly maintenance payments overnight.
Read more on Parents seeking to use coronavirus to avoid maintenance payments
Private Client Series: Problems and pitfalls with Will drafting – why use a professional?
A cheap or homemade Will may seem like a way of saving money and avoiding legal fees. However, in this webinar, Sarah Arkless and Tom Chiffers will explain how this is a false economy that can have disastrous consequences later on for your loved ones.
Read more on Private Client Series: Problems and pitfalls with Will drafting – why use a professional?
Reducing death and life-changing injuries on our roads
Earlier this month, the DfT published a package of measures to reduce the number of people killed and injured on roads in the UK. The plan is to improve safety for all, from children in car seats to those with years of driving experience.
Read more on Reducing death and life-changing injuries on our roads
Sarah Arkless is a Chartered Legal Executive and joined Clarke Willmott in 2018 and has over 22 years of experience in a private client team. Sarah will help you plan for the future and protect assets for your loved ones.