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Advance decisions (“Living Wills”)

Legal Services
Do you want to choose how you’ll be cared for if you lose capacity to make decisions yourself? Call our expert lawyers on 0800 652 8025 to discuss an advance decision. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton

Read more on Advance decisions (“Living Wills”)
Read more on Advance decisions (“Living Wills”)

Agri-business Healthcheck

Our legal healthcheck is designed to help agri-business owners focus on the legal issues they should be on top of. Find out how we can support you.

Read more on Agri-business Healthcheck
Read more on Agri-business Healthcheck
Aimee Davies photo

Aimee Davies

Senior Associate

Aimee regularly acts for landowners of commercial, residential and agricultural premises against the main telecoms operators, with experience in advising on the Electronic Communications Code and requiring removals and/or alterations of telecoms equipment.
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View profile for Aimee Davies

Alleviating worries – Second Animal Welfare Bill to tackle livestock worrying

The objective of the second Animal Welfare Bill is twofold: to raise standards for animal welfare and to reform the existing legislation relating to the keeping of animals by offering improved enforcement powers to the police.

Read more on Alleviating worries – Second Animal Welfare Bill to tackle livestock worrying
Read more on Alleviating worries – Second Animal Welfare Bill to tackle livestock worrying

Alternative Dispute Resolution in the workplace

Our new team member, Karina Holland, has been assisting a number of clients with alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) and offers a guide to ADR for employment disputes.

Read more on Alternative Dispute Resolution in the workplace
Read more on Alternative Dispute Resolution in the workplace
Aman Randhawa - Commercial Property Solicitor - Bristol

Aman Randhawa


Aman advises on all aspects of commercial property including due diligence, landlord and tenant work, investments, acquisitions, disposals and general estate management.
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View profile for Aman Randhawa

Amazing entries for Clarke Willmott’s Road Safety Superheroes Competition

Clarke Willmott’s road safety superheroes competition winners announced for Road Safety Week raising awareness of and trying to reduce road traffic accidents, injuries and deaths on our roads

Read more on Amazing entries for Clarke Willmott’s Road Safety Superheroes Competition
Read more on Amazing entries for Clarke Willmott’s Road Safety Superheroes Competition

Amputation and loss of limb compensation claims

Legal Services
Top-rated serious injury solicitors and specialists in amputation and limb loss compensation claims. 0800 316 8892 free consultation. No win no fee available.

Read more on Amputation and loss of limb compensation claims
Read more on Amputation and loss of limb compensation claims
Barry Riley - Corporate and Commercial Solicitor - Manchester

Barry Riley

Senior Associate

Barry is a pragmatic corporate transactional lawyer who prides himself on his “no-nonsense” approach towards progressing matters in an efficient and timely manner to meet his clients‘ needs.
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View profile for Barry Riley

Beware the poison pen (or email)

The EAT has given us a stark reminder that the utmost care should be taken when choosing the content and format or your communications relating to your workforce.

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Read more on Beware the poison pen (or email)

Bias in the Tribunal

In a rare decision, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) have held that a lay member on a panel for an upcoming appeal should be recused from in the case of Higgs v Farmor’s School and anor (No.2) due to a potential perception of bias.

Read more on Bias in the Tribunal
Read more on Bias in the Tribunal

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