Clarke Willmott’s specialist cross-disciplinary team of solicitors have extensive experience delivering seamless, sector-focused legal advice on all aspects of energy generation.
Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Southampton and Taunton
Lindsay is Head of our Housing Management team and jointly leads our Social Housing sector team. Lindsay was called to the Bar in 2000 and subsequently admitted as a Solicitor in 2005.
First Homes are a form of discounted market sale housing and, as such, are a form of Affordable Housing which is sold directly from a developer to the end user without involvement from a social housing provider.
A multi-disciplinary team recently acted on a deal which sees the transfer of 191 shared ownership homes from Orbit Group, one of England’s largest social housing providers.
Clarke Willmott secures over £250m for Silva Homes
Lawyers from our Cardiff office have advised housing association Silva Homes on the security for a £150 million bank refinancing and £100 million private placement.
Read more on Clarke Willmott secures over £250m for Silva Homes
What you need to know about the new shared ownership lease
Following the government’s recent technical consultation, Homes England have released a new model shared ownership house and flat lease for homes in England (other than London) funded under the Affordable Homes Programme 2021-2026.
Read more on What you need to know about the new shared ownership lease
Fraser represents both lenders and borrowers on secured and unsecured financing and advises on a mixture of loan agreements, note purchase agreements and other funding structures together with associated security documentation and intercreditor arrangements.
Comprehensive legal services and specialist advice on English law for businesses based in the UK & overseas. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, Taunton.
Mortgagee exclusion clauses in S106 Agreements which do not conform to the funder’s requirements continue to affect housing charging by restricting value to Existing Use Value – Social Housing (EUV-SH).
Read more on Property securitisation: five current issues