Tom is experienced in assisting clients to resolve construction disputes through various means and is focussed on achieving the best possible results for clients.
Landowners who privately rent properties are being urged to act now before new legislation is introduced which will make it more difficult to evict tenants.
Read more on Agri landlords urged to act now before new bill
The Building Safety Act 2022 came into force from 1 April 2023 following safety concerns for occupants of high rise buildings after the Grenfell Tower tragedy with the intention of improving the design, construction and management of higher-risk buildings.
Written by
Jamie Swan
Read more on Building Safety Act (BSA) Update – Retail Focus
If you instructed Challinors or one of its related practices in relation to your Will or Power of Attorney, we can help you understand your next steps.
All registered care homes are subject to a comprehensive inspection by CQC. How often your care home is inspected is decided by CQC and depends on the most recent rating that your care home received.
Written by
Rich Eldridge
Read more on Changes to how CQC inspects and rates care homes
Clarke Willmott reappointed as NFU Legal panel firm
We are delighted to have been reappointed to the National Farmers Union (NFU) legal panel for the South West, following an extensive re-selection process.
Read more on Clarke Willmott reappointed as NFU Legal panel firm