People are living independently for longer to avoid ‘feeling old before their time’
According to the CW Retirement Living Survey we carried out in 2021, people are living independently for longer in a bid to avoid ‘feeling old before their time’.
Read more on People are living independently for longer to avoid ‘feeling old before their time’
Specialist solicitors who focus on your rehabilitation as much as securing you financial compensation. No win no fee available. 0800 316 8892 free consultation.
Read more on Rehabilitation in serious injury claims
The final verdict: Is a collateral warranty a Construction Contract?
Construction solicitors
As many were commencing their summer vacations, a longstanding and groundbreaking decision emerged from the Supreme Court relating to the case of Abbey Healthcare (Mill Hill) Ltd v Augusta 2008 LLP (formerly Simply Construct LLP).
Written by
Faraz Naqvi
Read more on The final verdict: Is a collateral warranty a Construction Contract?
We commonly see disputes arising as a result of poorly drafted or late notices being issued. We therefore often have to stress the importance of getting notices correct, especially when it comes to receiving or making payments.
Read more on The importance of getting notices correct