Our social housing team are delighted to share recent cases from the higher jurisdiction courts in England and Wales that are relevant to the affordable housing sector.
Experts in the social housing sector gathered at a drinks event in Manchester, organised by Clarke Willmott, to share ideas and discuss the current issues facing the housing sector.
Read more on Clarke Willmott hosts social housing event
Clarke Willmott advises on transfer of social housing in South Wales
Lawyers at national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP have advised on the transfer of 31 properties at Maes Trisant in South Wales from Habinteg Housing Association to RHA Wales Group
Read more on Clarke Willmott advises on transfer of social housing in South Wales
Joint Social Housing heads announced at Clarke Willmott
Vicky Kells, Partner, who leads the Social Housing Finance team, and Lindsay Felstead, Partner, who leads the Housing Management team will jointly lead the sector nationally.
Read more on Joint Social Housing heads announced at Clarke Willmott
Key changes following draft clauses in the Social Housing (Regeneration) Bill
The Charter for Social Housing Residents set out a number of proposals in relation to safety, improving the tenant experience and developing the landlord regulation regime.
Read more on Key changes following draft clauses in the Social Housing (Regeneration) Bill
How the Subsidy Control Act 2022 has impacted UK social housing sector and regeneration projects
Commercial litigation and disputes
The UK subsidy control regime is a little over 18 months old, but it is already making its presence felt in the area of social housing and regeneration projects. Procurement and subsidies expert Brendan Ryan looks at its impact.
Written by
Brendan Ryan
Read more on How the Subsidy Control Act 2022 has impacted UK social housing sector and regeneration projects
Lawyers welcome new funding for social housing retrofit
Banking and financial services
Specialist social housing lawyers have welcomed news that the National Wealth Fund (NWF) and two major UK banks have plans to release £1bn of funding to accelerate social housing retrofit in the UK.
Written by
Bethan Evans
Read more on Lawyers welcome new funding for social housing retrofit