Matthew advises social landlords on contentious and non-contentious housing and asset management matters with a particular focus on housing conditions claims.
Stephen assists House Builders and Registered Providers of Social Housing to build new communities by carrying out the due diligence and the legal work necessary to acquire land for new development.
What are the proposed changes to identity verification for company directors?
Simon Thomas explains the government’s plan to introduce identify verification for UK company directors as set out in its Corporate Transparency and Register Reform.
Read more on What are the proposed changes to identity verification for company directors?
Consulting on the Code: what can landowners expect next?
What do landowners need to know about the recent government consultation on the Electronic Communications Code? Our Telecoms team examine the five key points.
Read more on Consulting on the Code: what can landowners expect next?
Decline of department stores means more space for mixed use
Clarke Willmott looks at how the changing face of the high street could be good news for increasingly popular mixed use developments, and what this will mean for the communities surrounding them.
Read more on Decline of department stores means more space for mixed use
Financial services solicitors providing specialist, multi-disciplinary legal expertise to the banking and finance sector. Call 0800 652 8025. Offices in Taunton, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester and Southampton.
Better the devil you know – The move from LIBOR to SONIA
Lenders are currently faced with the decision of whether to: (i) explore other proposed “risk-free” rates (“RFRs”); (ii) switch to Bank of England Base Rate; (iii) only offer fixed rates to their corporate borrowers; or (iv) explore other pricing mechanisms.
Read more on Better the devil you know – The move from LIBOR to SONIA