The UK officially left the EU on 31 December 2020. Since then there has been a lot of speculation with employers as to what types of right to work checks they need to carry out with EU nationals and how EU nationals are able to work in the UK after Brexit.
Read more on The right to work in the UK after Brexit
The role of HR officers in disciplinary and appeal hearings
Employment law services
We are often asked if there is a requirement for different HR officers to attend the disciplinary and appeal hearings, or can the same HR officer attend both? And if they do, does this adversely affect the need to be impartial?
Written by
Sharon Latham
Read more on The role of HR officers in disciplinary and appeal hearings
Year on year the scope of the Equality Act 2010 appears to widen as employees and the Tribunals begin to recognise more circumstances which fall under the ‘protected characteristic’ headings.
Trade mark makes sense for Harry and Meghan podcast
Kate Cheney, the director of trade marks in our intellectual property team, who helps identify, protect, and exploit intellectual property, says a registered trade mark is an asset that should be protected against potential misuse by others.
Read more on Trade mark makes sense for Harry and Meghan podcast
We address the misconception that trusts are for the super-rich and share how they can be used to benefit a range of individuals. Call 0800 652 8025 for a free consultation.
Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?
Sarah Wood-Heath explains who decides if a child is vaccinated, what ‘Gillick competency’ is, and what happens if those with parental responsibility disagree.
Read more on Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?