The EAT has given us a stark reminder that the utmost care should be taken when choosing the content and format or your communications relating to your workforce.
In a rare decision, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) have held that a lay member on a panel for an upcoming appeal should be recused from in the case of Higgs v Farmor’s School and anor (No.2) due to a potential perception of bias.
Biodiversity Net Gain – requirements for developers have now become law
From 12th February 2024 mandatory biodiversity net gain requirements, part of the Environment Act 2021, became effective meaning that developers must ensure a minimum 10% net gain in biodiversity
Written by
Caroline Waller
Read more on Biodiversity Net Gain – requirements for developers have now become law
Bonita specialises in contested Wills, inheritance and trust disputes and also in disputes involving mental capacity, properties and professional negligence.
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month: Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Every day around 45 people in the UK will die from bowel cancer. In this article our team summarises symptoms to look for and the treatments available.
Read more on Bowel Cancer Awareness Month: Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Can an employer still end employment with a PILON when the employee has resigned?
The recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision of Fentem v Outform EMEA Ltd has held that there was “no dismissal” where an employer brought forward the termination date of an employee who had resigned by subsequently paying them a payment in lieu of notice (PILON).
Read more on Can an employer still end employment with a PILON when the employee has resigned?