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1260 Search results for “sectors__Family businesses”

Real estate

Legal Expertise
Our lawyers have unparalleled real estate expertise, including investment and development, planning, construction, litigation, finance & telecoms. Call 0800 652 8025. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.

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Read more on Real estate

Restructuring and insolvency

Legal Services
Specialist corporate solicitors providing expert advice and guidance on all aspects of restructuring and insolvency. Partner-led teams in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton. Call 0800 652 8025 today.

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Read more on Restructuring and insolvency

Second marriage and inheritance issues: what to consider

Second marriage can complicate inheritance. Our Wills specialists explain how to balance the financial needs of your children and your second spouse.

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Read more on Second marriage and inheritance issues: what to consider
Stephanie Slinn photo

Stephanie Slinn


Stephanie Slinn is a partner in Clarke Willmott solicitors’ Birmingham Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency team.
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View profile for Stephanie Slinn

Ten tips on saving money in a divorce

If you’ve come to the decision to end your partnership, be sure to read our tips below before calling in the lawyers.

Read more on Ten tips on saving money in a divorce
Read more on Ten tips on saving money in a divorce

There is no such thing as Divorce Day

‘Divorce Day’ is supposedly the day of the year when the most divorces are started each year. Our Family law team explains that this is the myth created by the media.

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Read more on There is no such thing as Divorce Day

Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?

Sarah Wood-Heath explains who decides if a child is vaccinated, what ‘Gillick competency’ is, and what happens if those with parental responsibility disagree.

Read more on Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?
Read more on Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?

Why E-commerce is moving to the high street

Amanda French, partner and head of retail at national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP, explores why online brands are increasingly wanting physical space and the key considerations for retailers looking to move to the high street.

Read more on Why E-commerce is moving to the high street
Read more on Why E-commerce is moving to the high street

Will disputes are on the rise

Most people prepare a Will to ensure that their family is taken care of when they die. Not many imagine years of legal battles while their loved ones argue over their estate.

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Read more on Will disputes are on the rise

Bank loans for your care homes

Banks require a lot of information before they lend. You can help speed up the process by assembling information and checking public registers are up to date.

Read more on Bank loans for your care homes
Read more on Bank loans for your care homes

Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will

In the recent case of Thomas Sismey v Marissa Salandron, s.11 of the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (the 1975 Act) was tested by the courts for the first time.

Read more on Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will
Read more on Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will

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