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1242 Search results for “services__Residential+conveyancing+solicitors”

Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?

Sarah Wood-Heath explains who decides if a child is vaccinated, what ‘Gillick competency’ is, and what happens if those with parental responsibility disagree.

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Read more on Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?

Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune

If, for any reason, you do not wish it to be known who benefits from your estate then a secret trust is one of the possibilities that could be explored.

Read more on Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune
Read more on Wills, secrets and an artist’s fortune

WIQS Client Charter

We are proud to have achieved the high standards of practice and integrity required to become accredited with the Law Society’s Quality Scheme.

Read more on WIQS Client Charter
Read more on WIQS Client Charter

‘We feel proud to work here’

Don’t just take it from us. Read the outstanding results of our new joiner employee survey and discover how we differ from many other law firms.

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Read more on ‘We feel proud to work here’

“Gender critical” beliefs are capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has ruled that the belief that biological sex is unchangeable and separate from gender identity is a philosophical belief which falls within the protection of the Equality Act 2010.

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Read more on “Gender critical” beliefs are capable of protection under the Equality Act 2010

£1bn commitment to decarbonisation

It was the expectation that the NHS, schools and industry are expected to reduce their carbon emissions by two thirds over the next 15 years. If this expectation is achieved, it is anticipated that over 80,000 incremental green jobs will be created as part of the 10-point green recovery plan.

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Read more on £1bn commitment to decarbonisation

202 employers named and shamed for failing to pay national minimum wage

Following investigations by HMRC which concluded between 2017 and 2019, 202 employers have been named and shamed by the government for failing to pay their staff the legal minimum wage.

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Read more on 202 employers named and shamed for failing to pay national minimum wage

40 Treatments You Don’t Need

Unnecessary medical treatments to be reduced. Changing the standards for medical negligence claims. Prostate Cancer. Cerebral Palsy. Birth Injuries

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Read more on 40 Treatments You Don’t Need

6 October 2022 is World Cerebral Palsy Day

What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a description of a group of permanent movement disorders arising as a result of damage to part of the brain.

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Read more on 6 October 2022 is World Cerebral Palsy Day

A breach or a fundamental breach?

Constructive unfair dismissal claims are difficult claims to bring successfully as the burden is on the Claimant to show that there was a fundamental breach that they resigned in response to (promptly).

Read more on A breach or a fundamental breach?
Read more on A breach or a fundamental breach?

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