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755 Search results for “sectors__Agriculture”

The Financial Ombudsman Service confirms that Intelligent Money Ltd failed to protect its customers

The primary consideration for the FOS was whether Intelligent Money acted with reasonable care, due diligence, and fairness in accepting Mr S’ application to invest with Greyfriars in P6.

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Read more on The Financial Ombudsman Service confirms that Intelligent Money Ltd failed to protect its customers

The impact of coronavirus on share valuations in unfair prejudice petitions

Given the ongoing lockdown and the effect that is having on company valuations, the court is continuing to be flexible on valuation dates, particularly where justice needs to be done for the wronged minority shareholder.

Read more on The impact of coronavirus on share valuations in unfair prejudice petitions
Read more on The impact of coronavirus on share valuations in unfair prejudice petitions

The importance of being precise in unfair prejudice petitions

Primeking Holding Ltd and others v King and others [2021] (“Primeking”) seeks to remind us why the approach “take everything and the kitchen sink” is not always appropriate.

Read more on The importance of being precise in unfair prejudice petitions
Read more on The importance of being precise in unfair prejudice petitions

The importance of getting notices correct

We commonly see disputes arising as a result of poorly drafted or late notices being issued. We therefore often have to stress the importance of getting notices correct, especially when it comes to receiving or making payments.

Read more on The importance of getting notices correct
Read more on The importance of getting notices correct

The importance of nuclear energy for the Welsh economy

The Welsh Government has been proactive in supporting nuclear energy as part of its commitment for a greener economy for many years, dating back to the build, operation and decommissioning of Trawsfynydd and Wylfa Newydd power plants.

Read more on The importance of nuclear energy for the Welsh economy
Read more on The importance of nuclear energy for the Welsh economy

The importance of planning in a family business

Rayner Grice, an expert divorce lawyer in our family team, has stressed the importance of planning in family businesses following a case in which divorce proceedings impacted on the stability of the business and put the whole family at risk of financial ruin.

Read more on The importance of planning in a family business
Read more on The importance of planning in a family business

The inheritance tax residence nil rate band

Clarke Willmott Solicitors answers questions about the inheritance tax residence nil rate band (RNRB) and how to increase your entitlement.

Read more on The inheritance tax residence nil rate band
Read more on The inheritance tax residence nil rate band

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2022

The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB), published on 11 May 2022, contains a number of interesting proposals for the development industry and some potentially significant changes to the planning system.

Read more on The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2022
Read more on The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2022

The media, the clinical negligence divide

Claimants are often referred to in pejorative terms, as “lottery winners” and their legal representatives as ambulance chasers

Read more on The media, the clinical negligence divide
Read more on The media, the clinical negligence divide

The Pubs Code and going free of tie

Legal Services
Our Pubs Code solicitors advise pub tenants on going free of tie, negotiating a market rent only lease and referrals to the PCA. Call us on 0800 652 8025.

Read more on The Pubs Code and going free of tie
Read more on The Pubs Code and going free of tie

The right to work in the UK after Brexit

The UK officially left the EU on 31 December 2020. Since then there has been a lot of speculation with employers as to what types of right to work checks they need to carry out with EU nationals and how EU nationals are able to work in the UK after Brexit.

Read more on The right to work in the UK after Brexit
Read more on The right to work in the UK after Brexit

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