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Comprehensive legal services and specialist advice on English law for businesses based in the UK & overseas. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, Taunton.

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Construction industry deaths on the rise

There has a been a shocking rise in construction industry fatal accidents, whilst overall work-related fatal accidents have come down

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Read more on Construction industry deaths on the rise

Joint Social Housing heads announced at Clarke Willmott

Vicky Kells, Partner, who leads the Social Housing Finance team, and Lindsay Felstead, Partner, who leads the Housing Management team will jointly lead the sector nationally.

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Read more on Joint Social Housing heads announced at Clarke Willmott

Modular Homes: Rethinking the industry means rethinking your contracts

The UK’s housing crisis is a continuing “hot topic” in our sector, with the National Housing Federation estimating that 8.4 million people in England are living in unaffordable, insecure or unsuitable homes.

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Read more on Modular Homes: Rethinking the industry means rethinking your contracts

Richard Saxton


Richard specialises in a broad range of commercial property matters particularly those in the leisure, hospitality and retail sectors, real estate finance and investment.
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View profile for Richard Saxton

Coronavirus and force majeure clauses in construction standard form contracts

It seems highly probable that the coronavirus pandemic itself will be found to constitute a force majeure. This will only be applicable if the contract was entered before the coronavirus outbreak. Alternatively, contracts will be “frustrated”. This means they literally cannot be performed.

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Read more on Coronavirus and force majeure clauses in construction standard form contracts

COVID-19 and property development agreements

On the basis that neither party is actively seeking a way of avoiding its responsibilities, many development contracts will contain enough latitude to allow a development to complete, although this may be later than envisaged.

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Read more on COVID-19 and property development agreements

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