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Estate planning solicitors

Legal Services
Specialist tax, estate and succession planning solicitors expert in complex, high value & international estates. Call 0800 652 8025 – free consultation

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Read more on Estate planning solicitors

Gravity Smart Campus – the future is bright!

Representatives from Clarke Willmott were invited to Gravity just outside Bridgwater to meet the Gravity Programme Director, Paul Lowndes and find out more about the site.

Read more on Gravity Smart Campus – the future is bright!
Read more on Gravity Smart Campus – the future is bright!

Mandatory vaccinations for care home staff

Parliament has approved the new Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021 (Regulations) which makes it mandatory for any individual working in a care home to be fully vaccinated against Coronavirus.

Read more on Mandatory vaccinations for care home staff
Read more on Mandatory vaccinations for care home staff

A brief introduction to the Pubs Code

The Pubs Code came into force on 21 July 2016 with the aim of regulating the relationship between tied pub tenants (“TPTs”) and their landlords.

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Read more on A brief introduction to the Pubs Code

A question of interpretation – repair or structural defect?

This is a closer look at the Court of Appeal decision in Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London v Various Leaseholders of Great Arthur House [2021] EWCA Civ 431.

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Read more on A question of interpretation – repair or structural defect?

Adultery and divorce settlements

Our specialist divorce solicitors explain whether your, or your spouse’s, adultery will affect your divorce financial settlement.

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Read more on Adultery and divorce settlements

Buy-to-let properties and inheritance tax planning – case study

Partner Philip Whitcomb and Partner Jacqui Lazare discuss the various options available for people who have a property portfolio and want to mitigate their tax bill. Jacqui and Philip use three case study examples to explain the various options.

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Read more on Buy-to-let properties and inheritance tax planning – case study

Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner

For unmarried co-habiting couples who jointly own property without a declaration of trust, this article highlights the binding power of email

Read more on Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner
Read more on Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner

Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will

In the recent case of Thomas Sismey v Marissa Salandron, s.11 of the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (the 1975 Act) was tested by the courts for the first time.

Read more on Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will
Read more on Case briefing: collusion in contracting to leave property by Will

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