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755 Search results for “sectors__Agriculture”

Commercial Court to test validity of Business Interruption insurance claims

Arguments over BI coverage (or the lack of) have been widespread since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, which has seen an across the board shutdown of many business sectors in the UK.

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Read more on Commercial Court to test validity of Business Interruption insurance claims

Concerns about maternity care staffing levels

Yesterday I read an extremely worrying statistic that more than 50% of NHS midwives and maternity support staff say that they are planning to leave the health service in the next year.

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Read more on Concerns about maternity care staffing levels

Coronavirus and force majeure clauses in construction standard form contracts

It seems highly probable that the coronavirus pandemic itself will be found to constitute a force majeure. This will only be applicable if the contract was entered before the coronavirus outbreak. Alternatively, contracts will be “frustrated”. This means they literally cannot be performed.

Read more on Coronavirus and force majeure clauses in construction standard form contracts
Read more on Coronavirus and force majeure clauses in construction standard form contracts

Corporate and commercial law

Legal Services
Our lawyers provide guidance on a range of corporate transactions including M&A, restructuring, demergers, joint ventures, partnerships & tax law.

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Read more on Corporate and commercial law

COVID-19 and property development agreements

On the basis that neither party is actively seeking a way of avoiding its responsibilities, many development contracts will contain enough latitude to allow a development to complete, although this may be later than envisaged.

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Read more on COVID-19 and property development agreements

COVID-19: Severe restrictions placed on corporate insolvency

The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill has now been published and, if enacted in its present form, it is clear that the proposed restrictions will be wide reaching and will have a great impact on many creditors and debtors.

Read more on COVID-19: Severe restrictions placed on corporate insolvency
Read more on COVID-19: Severe restrictions placed on corporate insolvency

Find a solicitor

Find legal experts near you. We have teams of solicitors in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton, Taunton. Call us on 0800 652 8025

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Read more on Find a solicitor

Green Energy – Looking to the future

Dale Edwards, a Strategic Consultant in Green Energy with national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP, shares his thoughts on the importance of the UK Government creating, developing, and implementing a clear green energy strategy for the future.

Read more on Green Energy – Looking to the future
Read more on Green Energy – Looking to the future

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