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1312 Search results for “services__Family+law”

Child arrangements in lockdown

Since the outbreak of #Covid19, the Government has allowed children to move between the homes of their separated parents. However, the discretionary nature of the guidance has led to complications for some families. Our Laura Bond explores the issues.

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Read more on Child arrangements in lockdown

Common divorce myths dispelled

Getting a divorce is widely recognised as being one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. But lawyers say there are many common misconceptions about the process and that it doesn’t need to be difficult if couples access the right advice at the right time.

Read more on Common divorce myths dispelled
Read more on Common divorce myths dispelled

COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents

Whilst the unique circumstances of this year will undoubtedly make travel planning more essential than ever, this is particularly for separated parents who may have extra hurdles to overcome to ensure travel plans go smoothly.

Read more on COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents
Read more on COVID-19 Christmas travel checklist for separated parents

Ending the blame game

New divorce law in England and Wales modernises the divorce process, removing the need for one spouse to blame the other for the breakdown of a marriage.

Read more on Ending the blame game
Read more on Ending the blame game

Focus on our sport team at Clarke Willmott

We are proud at Clarke Willmott to frequently be instructed by sports stars, leading sporting professionals, ranging from Premier League football managers and footballers to elite international and Premiership rugby players.

Read more on Focus on our sport team at Clarke Willmott
Read more on Focus on our sport team at Clarke Willmott

I’m getting divorced – now what?

Divorce lawyer Adam Maguire looks at what divorcing couples should take into account at the outset.

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Read more on I’m getting divorced – now what?

No-fault divorce online – don’t get caught out

It has recently been reported that, perhaps unsurprisingly, there was an increase in the volume of divorce applications that have been filed since “no-fault” divorce came into force on 6th April 2022.

Read more on No-fault divorce online – don’t get caught out
Read more on No-fault divorce online – don’t get caught out

Should I make a sole or joint no fault divorce application?

In a sole application, only one party is responsible for making the application and progressing it. In a joint application, both spouses apply together and are jointly responsible for progressing.

Read more on Should I make a sole or joint no fault divorce application?
Read more on Should I make a sole or joint no fault divorce application?

The Christmas bubble – More toil and trouble for separated parents?

The looming cloud of COVID-19 this year is going to produce an added layer of tension and logistical difficulty for separated parents who regularly report that they find it difficult to discuss and agree arrangements for their children over the emotional Christmas period.

Read more on The Christmas bubble – More toil and trouble for separated parents?
Read more on The Christmas bubble – More toil and trouble for separated parents?

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