How we can help you
We take pride in staying up to date with the latest industry developments and have built up a range of expertise across the green, renewable energy, and infrastructure fields. We provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for our clients, many of whom we have built a long-standing relationship with, alongside vast experience working for a range of clients including operators, energy suppliers, contractors, investors, developers, funders, landowners, consultants, business customers and local authorities.
We offer commercial, practical and pragmatic advice to help clients identify potential risks and opportunities and our breadth of expertise allows us to ‘think like a client’ and support you every step of the way to help achieve your commercial aims.
Our experience and focus on bringing cost-efficiency to every project allows us to be increasingly useful to our client with this sector being heavily regulated and involving complex contractual frameworks. We provide advice for businesses, utility providers and the public sector to bridge any legal or contractual obstacles and often deal with property advice (including, site assembly for major road schemes), regulatory advice (like compulsory purchase), subsidy control and procurement, commercial, construction, employment, planning and the environment and a wide range of contractual and operational queries.
Our clients include onshore wind, hydrogen generation and storage, solar, battery storage, biomass, district heat networks, waste to energy and anaerobic digestion as well as offering advice in relation to natural capital trading and funding, given the wide range of credit regimes now available to developers and landowners.
We offer a ‘whole project life’ approach from scheme inception through to planning, set up, site operations, build, finance, regulation, grid connection, commissioning, and subsequent operation of plants and facilities, to provide you with the necessary legal support to achieve your businesses’ goals.
Our teams can support you with
With extensive experience in dealing with complex energy, natural resources and infrastructure claims we appreciate the unique nature of these projects. We have outlined some of the ways, we will be able to help you but in case you have any questions which are not covered below, please get in touch.