When does “unwanted conduct” constitute harassment?
The EAT held that a female manager did not harass a male team member when she gave him an unwanted back, neck and shoulder massage in an open plan office.
Read more on When does “unwanted conduct” constitute harassment?
For many years it has been the case that whenever possible a women should be offered a choice of how to deliver her child – natural vaginal delivery or a caesarean section.
Read more on Caesarean v natural birth – pros and cons of each
Reducing death and life-changing injuries on our roads
Earlier this month, the DfT published a package of measures to reduce the number of people killed and injured on roads in the UK. The plan is to improve safety for all, from children in car seats to those with years of driving experience.
Read more on Reducing death and life-changing injuries on our roads
Following the amazing story of the 46 year old Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) survivor James Cracknell, many commentators have looked at his motivations, the way in which he has overcome obstacles, but also that it seems, sadly, that his marriage is over.
Our experienced divorce specialists explore how company assets are valued and divided during a divorce. Call today on 0800 422 0123. Offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton & Taunton.
Until recently, there was no mechanism in UK law to enforce the EU law requirement of indemnity for accidents on private land, and victims would simply go uncompensated, even in cases of catastrophic injury.
Inheritance tax planning and lasting powers of attorney
A property and finance lasting power of attorney (LPA) confers extensive powers on the attorney to deal with the financial affairs of the person granting the LPA (the donor).
Read more on Inheritance tax planning and lasting powers of attorney