The COVID pandemic has placed many businesses in the difficult position of needing to recover debt. When a judgment debt is not paid, taking steps to enforce payment from the debtor will often be necessary.
Read more on Recovering debts during the COVID-19 pandemic
Business Interruption insurance: Clarity from the Supreme Court and guidance for Insolvency Practitioners
Commercial litigation and disputes
The Supreme Court handed down its judgment on the FCA’s business interruption insurance test case on Friday 15 January 2021 in an appeal from the Commercial Court.
Read more on Business Interruption insurance: Clarity from the Supreme Court and guidance for Insolvency Practitioners
Does the commercialisation of genetically edited products have a future in the UK?
The UK government announced a consultation on gene editing to consider whether the current regulations surrounding gene editing should be changed. If the regulations are changed, this could allow for the commercialisation of genetically edited products in the UK.
Read more on Does the commercialisation of genetically edited products have a future in the UK?
Clarke Willmott have recently settled a claim following the death of an 19 year old boy. Letter of Claim was sent to the insurers for the Defendant, and proceedings were issued at Court to protect the potential Human Rights Act claim that LW’s father had in this case.
Read more on Clarke Willmott successfully settle fatal accidents claim
Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?
Sarah Wood-Heath explains who decides if a child is vaccinated, what ‘Gillick competency’ is, and what happens if those with parental responsibility disagree.
Read more on Who decides whether my child receives a COVID-19 vaccination?
We know that COVID-19 has led to an intensified use of green spaces. Whilst public rights of way were largely able to cope with the increased footfall in the first lockdown, the onset of winter weather has caused many to deteriorate.
Limitation periods – Construction’s ticking time bomb
A residential tower block in Ipswich was undergoing a major face lift, around the same time, a 16-story property was also having a cladding system fitted to it. It was to be alleged later in court that the cladding system was unsafe and more flammable than that installed at Grenfell Tower.
Read more on Limitation periods – Construction’s ticking time bomb
Is mediation for everybody and when is the best time to mediate? Are all clients able to understand at the outset what route is best for them and really grasp the likely costs of each option?