A recent High Court case which decided who should inherit the estates of a married couple who died within months of each other, has brought into focus the importance of drafting a fully comprehensive will which covers various eventualities.
Clarke Willmott solicitors delighted the FCA wrote to British Steel workers about pension transfers
Possibly been mis-sold a BS pension transfer or been let down by a claims management company? Call 0800 422 0221 now to speak to an expert pension transfer solicitor.
Read more on Clarke Willmott solicitors delighted the FCA wrote to British Steel workers about pension transfers
British Steel Pension Scheme transfers and the coronavirus crisis
If you’re a former BSPS member who received unsuitable advice to transfer out of your pension, what have you lost and how has this been affected by coronavirus?
Read more on British Steel Pension Scheme transfers and the coronavirus crisis
High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
Many complaints against S&M Hughes who advised steel workers to transfer BS pensions to personal pensions. Call 0800 422 0221to speak to a pension transfer solicitor.
Read more on High volumes of pension transfer complaints against IFA S&M Hughes
The world’s media has become very interested in reports of a Chinese housewife receiving compensation on a divorce for ‘housework’ she did during the marriage. It certainly seems to be a positive, and some would say progressive, change for Chinese spouses.
Read more on Compensation for a Chinese Domestic Goddess
Television drama has been a necessary diversion during these endless winter weeks of lockdown but a series currently showing on Sunday evenings has provided a useful case study in what not to do if you wish to ensure your family is taken care of following your sudden death.
Read more on “I always told him he needed a good lawyer”
Sarah Manley, partner and commercial property specialist, looks at the future of property management in the months and years to come following the impact of several national lockdowns and ongoing uncertainty.