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Better the devil you know – The move from LIBOR to SONIA

Lenders are currently faced with the decision of whether to: (i) explore other proposed “risk-free” rates (“RFRs”); (ii) switch to Bank of England Base Rate; (iii) only offer fixed rates to their corporate borrowers; or (iv) explore other pricing mechanisms.

Read more on Better the devil you know – The move from LIBOR to SONIA
Read more on Better the devil you know – The move from LIBOR to SONIA

The carbon free home

Philip Brown, Commercial Property Partner comments on the impact of the Energy White Paper for the house building sector.

Read more on The carbon free home
Read more on The carbon free home

Major changes in family law mean separating couples need more support

Developed by our family team, our new ‘Parting Ways’ digital toolbox is aimed at those whose marriage, civil partnership or co-habiting relationship has broken down irreparably.

Read more on Major changes in family law mean separating couples need more support
Read more on Major changes in family law mean separating couples need more support

The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents

The government’s Debt Respite Scheme comes into force on 4 May 2021. The Scheme provides qualifying individuals with a ‘breathing space’ from creditor action.

Read more on The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents
Read more on The Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) – information for landlords and managing agents

£1bn commitment to decarbonisation

It was the expectation that the NHS, schools and industry are expected to reduce their carbon emissions by two thirds over the next 15 years. If this expectation is achieved, it is anticipated that over 80,000 incremental green jobs will be created as part of the 10-point green recovery plan.

Read more on £1bn commitment to decarbonisation
Read more on £1bn commitment to decarbonisation

Successful claim following insertion of incorrect knee prosthesis

At age 16 years, KV was involved in a serious road traffic accident. We were successfully able to obtain £60,000 in compensation for KV as a result of the Defendant’s negligence.

Read more on Successful claim following insertion of incorrect knee prosthesis
Read more on Successful claim following insertion of incorrect knee prosthesis

Wills hold key to family business succession

The amount of money a family pays in tax after a business owner dies can vary by tens of thousands of pounds simply because of the way their will is drafted.

Read more on Wills hold key to family business succession
Read more on Wills hold key to family business succession

Domestic reverse charge on construction services

After some considerable delay the Domestic Reverse charge (“DRC”) on construction services came into effect on 1 March 2021.

Read more on Domestic reverse charge on construction services
Read more on Domestic reverse charge on construction services

Furlough audits by HMRC: How to prepare

It is a good time for employers to reflect on the events of last year, in particular the introduction of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) and any claims employers have made under it.

Read more on Furlough audits by HMRC: How to prepare
Read more on Furlough audits by HMRC: How to prepare

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