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Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner

For unmarried co-habiting couples who jointly own property without a declaration of trust, this article highlights the binding power of email

Read more on Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner
Read more on Careful what you type – Court of Appeal rules informal email exchange is sufficient to transfer property to ex-partner

#Every90Seconds – Action for Brain Injury Week 2023

15 – 21 May 2023 is “Action for Brain Injury Week” – a vitally important time for Headway, the Brain Injury Association, to raise awareness of the issues facing brain injury survivors

Read more on #Every90Seconds – Action for Brain Injury Week 2023
Read more on #Every90Seconds – Action for Brain Injury Week 2023

Wider fixed costs regime is on its way

Fixed Recoverable Costs are set amounts that the winning party in civil litigation can recover from the losing party at different stages of the litigation process. Speak to our expert team for more information.

Read more on Wider fixed costs regime is on its way
Read more on Wider fixed costs regime is on its way

Clarke Willmott strengthens commercial expertise

Our Manchester office has further strengthened its commercial team with the appointment of Stephen Green and Rebecca Hallam.

Read more on Clarke Willmott strengthens commercial expertise
Read more on Clarke Willmott strengthens commercial expertise

Bias in the Tribunal

In a rare decision, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) have held that a lay member on a panel for an upcoming appeal should be recused from in the case of Higgs v Farmor’s School and anor (No.2) due to a potential perception of bias.

Read more on Bias in the Tribunal
Read more on Bias in the Tribunal

Case law update: An employee who said “I’m done” and handed in her keys had not resigned

If an employee resigns using clear and unambiguous language, their employer is entitled to accept it. That said, the courts are aware that sometimes it may be necessary to take a more detailed look at the context around the words that were spoken.

Read more on Case law update: An employee who said “I’m done” and handed in her keys had not resigned
Read more on Case law update: An employee who said “I’m done” and handed in her keys had not resigned

HR Consultancy Corner: Creating a menopause-inclusive workplace

There’s no doubt that the menopause and its impact at work is being discussed far more openly now and, in turn, businesses are starting to switch on to this wellbeing issue.

Read more on HR Consultancy Corner: Creating a menopause-inclusive workplace
Read more on HR Consultancy Corner: Creating a menopause-inclusive workplace

Fixed term contracts – keys considerations & points in practice

Many employers use fixed term contracts to engage employees for a defined period, and in certain industries, such as within professional sport or further education, the use of fixed term contracts is very prevalent – often reflecting the playing season or academic year.

Read more on Fixed term contracts – keys considerations & points in practice
Read more on Fixed term contracts – keys considerations & points in practice

What did you say? Accent bias in Workplace

Does the law protect an employee from being mocked for their regional or national accent? Does it make a difference if their accent is from Liverpool or Australia…Somerset or Africa?

Read more on What did you say? Accent bias in Workplace
Read more on What did you say? Accent bias in Workplace

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