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Action for Brain Injury Week 2021 – A life in lockdown?

17th to 23rd May 2021 is “Action for Brain Injury Week”. Headway – the brain injury association, is using the week to raise awareness of what life can be like for brain injury survivors.

Headway point out that COVID-19 has been tough on everyone, with regular lockdowns and a fundamental change in how we have all been able to interact. They make the valid point though that a brain injury can often leave survivors without the confidence and skills to interact with society – a life in lockdown.

Representing our clients has never been just about the compensation claim. We have always had a wider focus including doing our best to secure treatment and rehabilitation for our brain injured clients. We get to know our clients and their families. We have the privilege of getting to know what their lives are like, and often we seek exactly the sort of isolation Headway are talking about this week.

Against that background, we are proud to announce that we will soon be launching a resource on our website where brain injury survivors, and those close to them, can access information about charities and support groups who focus on providing activities and social interaction for those who have suffered life changing injuries.

Brain injury claims expert, Philip Edwards, said:

“At Clarke Willmott we are fortunate to work in partnership with a number of amazing charities and social groups who have played important roles helping our brain injured clients return to hobbies, or start new ones and to find ways to return to a meaningful social life.

That is why we are pleased to announce that some of our partner charities have agreed to work with us as we use our website to promote what they do and to enable brain injury survivors to have another way to connect with them as they take the next step on their journey. We hope that trying to connect as many brain injury survivors with organisations that can provide the support that they would like, that they will no longer feel isolated from society”

The project will be launched in the next few weeks – watch this space and follow us on Twitter for further announcements.


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