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Tim Williamson


Home office: Southampton
Also works in: Bristol, Taunton, London and Manchester

Tim is a leading regulatory lawyer who works with businesses and individuals to reduce the risk of regulatory intervention.

Tim has an unmatched breath of experience and knowledge in a range of industries and works  to provide the most specialist solutions for his clients. Tim can help clients respond to changes in their regulatory landscape, reduce risk arising from such developments and represent them when faced with an investigation by a regulatory body and / or when threatened with sanction.

With experience of working with clients in many sectors, in the UK and overseas, Tim has particular expertise in: sport, ports and harbour authorities, retailers (Europe), Space (UK, Europe, India), developers and SMEs.

Tim’s work in regulatory intervention includes:

  • Fraud and white collar and crime
  • Police prosecutions
  • Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Sports governing bodies
  • Space: Licensing and regulation of spaceport operators and businesses within the space sector
  • Environmental prosecutions and environmental health enforcement
  • Advertising Standards Authority / Competition and Markets Authority
  • Trading standards enforcement.


  • Sheffield Wednesday Football Club v Sheffield City Council [2019/20] – This is the first occasion on which a decision of a Chief Licensing Officer was challenged in a court.  In this case, Tim acted for the club in challenging a decision of the Chief Licensing Officer of Sheffield City Council to impose a Prohibition Notice covering part of Hillsborough Stadium in accordance with powers provided by the Sports Ground Safetry Act 1975.  The appeal was to the Magistrates Court.  The appeal was allowed and the Prohibition Notice quashed.
  • R (Health and Safety Executive) v Mr SB – Tim successfully defended the Health and Safety Manager of a large dairy in the South-west of England accused of breaching his health and safety duties as an employee there. During extensive refurbishment work an incident occurred whereby asbestos containing material (or “ACM”) were released, exposing employees of a sub-contractor to significant risks to their health. The HSE prosecuted the dairy and the owner of the sub-contractor business for breaches of employer duties to ensure the health and safety of employees and third parties relating to ACM. Both corporate defendants pleaded guilty to all the charges they faced. The HSE also decided to prosecute the client, who maintained his innocence throughout. After several years of fighting his corner and following several rounds of detailed representations on his behalf, the HSE agreed to drop the case against him given the state of the evidence and the lack of public interest in pursuing a case against an individual in such a case.

Additional Information

Tim is a member of the Rugby Union Safety Association, Football Safety Officers’ Association and the Health and Safety Lawyer’s Association.


Tim Williamson is a clever and enthusiastic solicitor. Tim has very strong interpersonal skills and is forever trying to find a positive outcome for his clients. He shows excellent judgement when applying [knowledge of health and safety law to solve problems.

Legal 500, 2025

[Tim] complements his expertise in health and safety with a focus on the sports sector.

Legal 500, 2025

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