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Jeremy Bourke

Partner (Australian Qualified)

Home office: Bristol
Jeremy Bourke Clarke Willmott Solicitors

Jeremy specialises in administering complex cross border and taxable estates, and will trusts.

Jeremy specialises in the administration of complex estates, particularly those which may have either or a combination of cross border elements, being subject to Inheritance Tax, or which include a testamentary trust, with a focus on providing effective and practical solutions for executors and trustees.

Jeremy qualified as a solicitor in Victoria, Australia in 2003 and has practised in England and Wales since 2009.

How Jeremy can help you

  • Advising on the distribution of estates, including on intestacy or where a trust has been created by a Will
  • Dealing with issues of domicile and multi-jurisdictional estate administration
  • Providing advice on estate tax matters, in particular in respect of Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax
  • General administration of deceased estates


  • Administering estates with assets in other jurisdictions including Spain, France, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Canada and the USA
  • Acting for family members on intestacy in the administration of a multi-million pound non-English domicile estate, including facilitating the issue of Grants of Representation in England and the Channel Islands
  • Advising executors and beneficiaries on the interrelationship between capital gains tax and inheritance tax where an estate property sold for a significant gain
  • Acting for professional executors in a number of complex and high value estate, involving issues such as film tax rights disputes and a Lloyds Name

Articles by Jeremy

Private wealth services

Probate delays causing undue stress to families

Recent figures suggest that the number of probate cases taking over a year to be granted has risen by 134% over the last three years. Expert lawyers say the result is additional stress and financial implications for grieving families.
Read more on Probate delays causing undue stress to families

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