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Data protection and data security

Data protection law and your business

Data is one of the most valuable assets a business possesses, and data disaster can bring down a business faster than any other single factor. An IBM study in 2016 estimated that one serious data breach is all it takes to put the average SME into insolvency.

That’s why Clarke Willmott’s experienced data lawyers do not limit their advice to the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018, but advise on all aspects of data security, data protection and the protection of confidential information or trade secrets.

We are highly rated in both the Legal 500 and Chambers legal directories. Members of the team are regularly quoted on data issues on the BBC and in publications such as the Guardian, Computing, Personnel Today and a range of local press.

Our data protection and security expertise

Our work includes:

  • Conducting data audits to highlight where data risks exist in a business
  • Advising on specific sectoral issues with respect to data, including the Caldicott principles in health care, the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations with respect to digital marketing, and FSA rules on data breaches in the finance sector
  • Drafting data security policies and handling issues relating to data protection within employment, including advising on relevant legal bases for processing personal data in employment
  • Giving assistance to clients in areas such as penetration testing or ISO 27001 certification
  • Drafting document retention policies and data provisions in contracts with customers, suppliers and intermediaries
  • Providing training to client personnel with respect to data issues
  • Advising on data emergencies including data breaches
  • Assisting where there are complaints from data subjects or investigations initiated by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
  • Assisting clients with subject access requests including reviewing all material intended to be disclosed
  • Conducting litigation (including seeking emergency injunctive relief) to restrain breaches of confidence

Contact a data protection solicitor

Clarke Willmott has data protections specialists in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton and Taunton. If you want legal advice on this issue, please contact a member of our team below or call 0800 652 8025.

Your key contacts

Amy Peacey


Amy helps businesses and individuals document their contract relationships with third parties ensuring their commercial contracts are legally sound and comply with all applicable laws.
View profile for Amy Peacey >

Sarah Coe


Bristol and London
Sarah is a Partner in the Corporate Commercial team, specialising in commercial, intellectual property, and technology law. Her work covers the full range of contractual and e-commerce issues relevant to businesses seeking to enter new markets or exploit new technology.
View profile for Sarah Coe >

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