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Fraud alert – Emails purported to be coming from Clarke Willmott and/or Kelvin Balmont of Clarke Willmott

We have recently been made aware of some businesses receiving emails and calls relating to a “sensitive acquisition” and that “Kelvin Balmont will be in touch shortly with more details”. The emails also state that “for regulatory compliance the project must remain strictly confidential until the acquisition is completed”. The emails from the individual purporting to be Kelvin come from the domain names and and sometimes may include a request for payment and an invoice purporting to be from Clarke Willmott. Our correct domain name is

If you are one of the businesses or individuals affected, we can assure you that it was not Clarke Willmott, nor any representative of this firm, that emailed you. It appears to be a scam where someone is trying to appear as a reputable firm and mask their real identity.

We are investigating and have reported the matter to our Regulator, the SRA and Action Fraud. If you have any information that may help in our investigation please do contact us via


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